Wednesday, February 13, 2008



This business of Rezko is important; there are many unanswered questions that go to judgment. Senator Obama's purchase of his house on the same day as Mrs. Rezko's purchase of the side lot at a time it was well known that Mr. Rezko was under investigation is more than just 'boneheaded'. Mr. Rezko was indicted October 2006, why did it take Senator Obama until January 2008 to donate this money from Rezko? He has known Mr. Rezko for well over 17 years, why give the impression it was just '5 hours' of work during the debate?
A reader tossed out Norman Hsu's donations to Senator Clinton. You might want to read up, Mr. Hsu has donated money to many Democrats and the Democratic Party as well as Senator Obama.
Then there is the matter of his early political years. The Chicago Tribune has an article "Obama Knows his way Around a Ballot". His challenges to the other candidate’s signatures to get on the ballot, leaving him as the only candidate, gives me great pause. It may have indeed been, as he claimed, his legal right, but it certainly was not fair, it certainly wasn't the image of a candidate who claims to be above it all.
There was another candidate not to long ago, who also talked of unity, changing Washington, he was like able we were told, in fact, they told us he was the kind of guy you could have a beer with, many people voted for him his name is President Bush.
Why is everyone so angry at Hillary for brining it up? She went there because Obama started the accusations in the debate...she followed suite. We should be glad the info is coming out to investigate. Why be angry at Clinton for Obamas "lack in judgment?" He claims his judgment is better than all the so called Washington politicians. This is questionable to say the least. Truth is he is like them.

Why is it up to Clinton to bring this up? Why hasn't the media brought it up on their own?. Oh and by the way, on top of all of his "not present votes" he didn't bother to show up in the US Senate to vote for the Iran Resolution, such an important vote that he condemns Hillary for, yet he didn't even vote. Why? Because there isn't a chance to vote "Present" and not have to put on record your vote? And the "oops" I made a mistake and pushed the wrong button 6 times in the Illinois Senate? Isn't your only job in the moment to push the right button? Or ... did you really want to change your vote because it was not popular. We are choosing a President....and he has to make sure that he can push the button he intends on pushing.

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