Wednesday, February 13, 2008



I believe the media are trying to manipulate this election. I have come to this conclusion after months of watching the developing “stories” or lack of “stories” More so that lack of factual reporting and total bias of reporting I have seen daily. The drumbeat never stops. I am outraged at how stupid some people are at not being able to
A. see this
B recognize this
C be angered at this and most of all
D be worried about this

Maybe the Clintons are not the most perfect people; no politician really is, including Obama if you are being honest. This is what worries me the most and it should worry any real Democrats reading this. Why? Well I’ll tell you why. As a life long Democrat, I have waited, and waited for the Evil “Shrub” and his minions to vacate the Whitehouse and for someone intelligent to take over and start rebuilding America, both at home and abroad!

Needless to say I waited for my “Christmas” to come and the elections process to begin in earnest. Instead what I have seen compares to……..well, I don’t know what it compares to really. I’ve never seen anything like it. A bit of American Idol, a bit of cover up, a bit of head in the sand and a whole lot of daydreaming, and absolutely NO thinking, serious reporting, serious research, serious talking. No, instead we have a new “phenomenon” a “Rock Star” that is what one media station called it. Obama-rama………But really folks, this is an ALL IMPORTANT PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION TO TAKE BACK THE WHITEHOUSE AND HELP THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Not some stage show!!

Next we come to obamas 17 year relationship with Tony Rezko. How many “Sheeple” have actually gone online to the Chicago papers and checked the archives to find out about Obama? Never mind the national TV media who are supposed to do this for us and report the facts. Cook County politics is corrupt, and it has been for many years. Ask any one from Chicago! This was the breeding ground Obama came up in. Surrounded by corrupt politicians and corrupt dealings. Read the compilation of blog articles I have on this. Then tell me Obama has had enough scrutiny to survive a long Presidential campaign and win in the end. Oh and one more thing, Rezko goes on trial March 3rd, the day before Texas and Ohio primaries. Should the “sheeple” get him the nomination, then what happens when the media begin doing their job honestly and Obama has to defend what he calls “mistakes?” Right now he is having an easy time and yet already has made SEVERAL "mistakes" What about his comment on invading Pakistan. That created an international incident the USA had to deal with, and of course Obama said it was a mistake. Then another mistake, allowing Donnie McClurkin and anti-gay homophobic gospel singer to perform in his South Carolina event, disgraceful. This from a man claiming to be a "uniter"????

And just look at so called “Democrats” if they really ARE Democrats online, posting vile and nasty things about Hillary Clinton. The ads began early, by Obamas camp. Remember the you tube 1984 video? Remember they claimed they had nothing to do with it? Not true sadly. After this thing ran for ages in the TV media the truth finally came out, long after the damage had been done. For many young people this was their introduction to politics, Hillary Clinton and Obamas not so honest campaign…. This is disgraceful…. And, it is the first thing that actually made me WAKE UP and begin to look into Obama and his campaign. Before that I had no bad feelings towards the man. But did the media report fairly? Nope. They gave Obama free airtime and showed the video over and over for days. Much like the latest video from the Black Eyed Peas front man we have seen all week now. FREE PRESS FOR OBAMA once again. I would not mind so much, however this is not balanced as there are actually several EXCELLENT music videos about Hillary out there, but are they reported on? Nope! Are they played on TV? Nope!! Sophie B. Hawkins has a great one, so does a young African-American New York rapper called Madame Star, her song is called “Hillary” why are they not shown??? Because the media cannot give anything to Hillary. It’s all about getting the nomination for Obama.

Then we have the comment from Obama’s wife about Hillary Clinton's family. Really, as a woman this hit me all wrong. Michelle Obama said of Clinton, "role modeling what good families should look like" is important....Basically, if you read between the lines, the meaning is clear and it is an insult to many women. She somehow places the blame on Hillary Clinton for her husband’s affair AND for staying with him and saving her marriage. As such Hillary's family is "no good" because it does not look the same as hers. If this is her belief then enyone elses family not exactly like hers is also bad. Her comment basically is a slap in the face to any women who has suffered through a marital affair, any woman who decided to then stay with her husband and save her marriage. I believe that women like this should be praised, far too much divorce in America! And, she gets no praise for toughing it out with dignity as she did!! I think it is also an insult to say that if your family is not exactly like Michelle Obamas family then it is somehow the woman’s fault, and your family is less then hers. The glee with which she said this was almost ecstatic. It really bothered me and still does. You can see this video if you search you tube and I do have this in a blog. Did anyone report this? Did anyone call her on such a comment? Nope! You have to look online newspapers for the truth. The TV media have made up their mind and they are making up the minds of the “sheeple” as well.

Then we have all of these ads supporting Obama magically showing up on Anti-Hillary websites. Which I might add also began springing up on the internet early on in the campaign. I have also read hundreds, if not thousands of online blogs and posts on message boards, all parroting the same things on the Smear Hillary websites. The vile posts and rage at Hillary supporters online borders on manic. Are these really Democrats, or are the bulk of them Obama campaigners, Republicans or students working for Obama. Because Democrats can debate and talk and have issues with Candidates, but this is not what I am seeing. There are never any “real” facts, just smears. Any democrat seeing this would believe it was coming from a Republican. And perhaps some are closet Republicans afraid of Hillary winning the nomination. Any of the Obama ads on anti-Hillary sites investigated or forever reported by the TV media? Not really, only the press online and in print and not many of them either.

And of course there are the snide remarks Obama made to Clinton in the debate. I notice when he is pressed on his record he gets rather testy and defensive, but rather than come back with facts, he attempts to smear Hillary for being on the board of Wal-Mart. However, he forgot to mention how much money his own wife makes from wal-mart and how Michelle Obama’s relation ship with Treehouse foods, who, by the way, has wal-mart as their biggest supplier. So why was this not reported by the media? Too stupid to find the info? Or are they just trying to manipulate this election!! In addition his 2nd comment at the end bothered me as well. He has no decorum, when Wolf Blitzer was asking Hillary how she felt about people saying she was not-likable and Obama was? Well Obama leans over and says very smugly “Hillary you’re liked enough” that was telling to me. The more I began to listen to Obama the more I began to worry about how well he can actually handle a tough race with Republicans. John McCain can rip him a new A**hole when they debate about the Military, Homeland Security and all those issues. Regardless how you feel about Clinton, she has a history and an experience there that Obama does not. And she can take attacks without getting defensive or falling apart, or worse whining. Will Obama use the race card when McCain attacks him on his politics and record? Will we then see a country divided along racial lines? These are all valid points to consider.

And there is the other thing in Michelle Obama’s closet, her dealings with a Hospital that charges poor people more!!! Michelle Obama is on the board. Again you can read it here in my other blogs or google it yourself, the truth is out there. Trouble is that Obama has so far a very short political career. And unless you look into Chicago politics you won’t find it. Because as a low level politician, and the bulk of the corrupt dealing taking place in poor Chicago communities, you would not have seen the national media covering local politics of one state.

Lastly, let’s go ahead and talk about the thing Hillary haters and Republicans like to smear her on the most. Unfortunately for these “sheeple”, the very thing that they attempt to smear the Clintons with, is the very same thing that can win her the election against the Republicans. However, “sheeple” are too stupid to think outside the box and without media help. More importantly, Obama has not had ANY scrutiny like this, now has he??. You see, the Clintons certainly are the most investigated politicians on Capitol Hill and we can thank the Republicans for this. And we can thank the Republicans for actually proving they could not be charged with anything!! Because after $70 million of YOUR money, Ken Starr, the Media and the Republicans still couldn't get to the so-called "truth"? Why? Because it was a Republican Witch Hunt and any real Democrat should know this!! So the “sheeple” out there pretending to be Democrats supporting Obama and who use this Republican garbage, if they are Democrats, then they are no better than the worst right wing Republican that watches FOX news!! The reality of the Clinton years are all fact, but only if you actually research the figures that is. These years were known as the Golden Years and for a very good reason. Clinton left moronic BUSH with a SURPLUS of money, a balance budget, a safe world and safe America and Republicans screwed it into the ground and created two wars, one of which was illegal. I, for one, remember the Golden Years, too bad the American youth don't read about this, or anything else regarding Obama, before jumping on the media band wagon for "Rock Star" obama-rama……….

Notice how FOX news, the Reich wing republicans news station are having a “love fest” with Obama? Even Satan O’Rielly sings his praise…. Day after day FOX and their talking heads report how the Republicans want Hillary to win because they can beat her. McCain himself was on yesterday saying the same mantra.... HELLO???? Anyone with a brain out there???? If FOX news are saying this, you have to wonder WHY, if you have a brain that is!! And should the “sheeple” and the Republicans get their wish of Obama winning the Nomination, I cannot wait to say to the “sheeple” when the glow is off Obama and the media begin reporting what they are ignoring now. When McCain brings up all of this and Obama is subjected to the SAME scrutiny as Hillary Clinton, then what??? When the Republicans win the Whitehouse again we can all thank the “sheeple”


Baaaaa Baaaa

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